Mastering SEO

Mastering SEO: 8 Key Elements for Online Visibility

Mastering SEO

Are you looking for an online presence that helps bring potential customers to your website? If yes, be informed that this is something that all businesses online desire. For a successful business online, it all starts with online visibility, which helps users find the products or the services offered.

But to tell you the truth, the path to online visibility is rather a process than a few tricks or tips. The process that leads to online visibility for businesses online is SEO.

In this article, you shall learn about 8 key elements for online visibility, which are as follows:

What do you mean by SEO? 

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. As the name suggests, it is the process of optimizing a website to rank better on search engines such as Google or Bing. A website that is ranked better on search engine result pages, particularly at the top page and top spot, translates to higher online visibility for the website. 

Most SEO tactics fall into 3 categories which are as follows:

On-page SEO: It covers all the SEO activity that is performed on the website itself. Examples of On-page SEO are website optimization for the content, URL,  internal links, etc.

Off-page SEO: It covers all the SEO activity that is performed off the page. Examples of Off-page SEO are website optimization for backlinks, reviews, podcasts, etc.

Technical SEO: It covers the SEO activities that directly impact how search engines crawl and index your website. Examples of Technical SEO are website optimization for Structured data, Speed of the website, canonicalization etc.

8 Key Elements for Online Visibility

1. High-Quality Content:

This one never gets old and will never be. Quality content is the fundamental block of any SEO Toronto strategy. If the content of your website does not satisfy the search query of the visitors, how can you expect them to engage with your website? It is to be noted here that the content written should be easy to read, which otherwise could lead to a drop in the dwell time of the visitors. The elements that you should keep in mind while framing content are as follows:

  • Write with proper header tags, which helps users to easily skim through the content.
  • Make sure to frame the content with short paragraphs and bullet points.
  • Add the target keywords in your header tags for Google to find your content and serve it to the users.

2. Keyword Research:

This is one of the crucial aspects of SEO work. You can’t expect to rank higher on the SERP by ignoring the keywords that users are typing to reach the products or services that you offer. Keywords bridge the gap between the search query and the content. Keywords in your content signal Google that the content written matches the search query of the users, which helps Google to rank it higher on its SERP. You can do keyword research with the help of Google’s LSI list or related searches section to find the commonly used keywords used by the users.

Did you know?

Google Trends is a free tool by Google which helps users to identify the keywords that are commonly used by the users to arrive at a specific result.

3. Visual Elements: 

Visuals can be used to increase users’ engagement with your website. A blog that comprises visual elements such as images or video attracts users more as these help users understand the content better and in a quick time. An ecommerce website that has beautiful graphics of the products on its product page will more likely be able to convince its visitors to take action as compared to one that doesn’t. 

4. Backlinks: 

Backlinks are nothing but a hyperlink that directs a user from one website to another when clicking on that link. You can understand Backlinks as a recommendation from a third-party website to your own. Acquiring backlinks helps to increase the credibility and authority of your website. Moreover, backlinks are seen as a ranking factor by Google. So it becomes indispensable for websites to gain backlinks that will help Google to rank your websites better.

5. User Experience: 

UX is the experience that a website provides to its visitors. It can be bad or good. But a thing to note here is that a good user experience results in an increased dwell time for the users. You might ask here, what is the significance of the dwell time? Dwell time signals Google that the webpage is of value to the users and should be ranked. The more the dwell time of the user on your website, the more the chances to rank it better on the search engines. To improve the UX of a website, optimize your website in the ways listed below:

  • Improve the page speed.
  • Welcome Responsive design.
  • Improve the navigation of your website.
  • Create Power CTA’s

6. Internal Links: 

It is a hyperlink that directs users to the related web pages of your website. Internal links help Google to discover the new web pages on your website for it to crawl and index. It also provides value to the users as they just have to click a link to read the related content, which otherwise would have been hidden in the archives. 

For Example, a blog name What is SEO can be interlinked with a blog named What On-page SEO is.

7. Mobile friendly: 

An increase in the use of mobile phones means a necessity to optimize your website for mobile use. Users tend to use mobile phones while searching for information online as compared to the desktop version. A mobile-friendly website can be achieved with the help of a responsive design that fits itself depending on the screen size of the device used. 

8. Page Speed: 

The speed of a webpage plays a huge role in deciding whether the visitor will stay or bounce. So, optimizing your website for a fast loading speed makes sense to provide a better user experience to visitors. You can optimize your website in the following ways that are listed below:

  • Compress the size of the images on your website.
  • Reduce the unnecessary codes in HTML and Javascript. 
  • Reduce the number of redirects on your website.
  • Enable browser caching.
  • Use a content delivery system.

Final Words

In the present time, which sees a lot of competition to feature at the top of the SERP, SEO comes as an effective solution to the problem. Optimizing for better online visibility of your product and services with the help of SEO strategy is to achieve success. The above discussed points are tried and tested by various online marketers that have resulted in an increase in the ranking of their websites effectively. 

But going forward, you should keep in mind that the visible results of SEO implementation take time. As they say, no good thing has ever come fast and cheap. You need to periodically analyze your SEO strategy and implement the required changes to see success.


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