Correctly Unclog Plumbing

Learn How To Correctly Unclog Plumbing

Correctly Unclog Plumbing

Dealing with a clogged pipe is very common for all of us mere mortals! But, in some cases, it is necessary to take more professional measures in order to avoid bigger problems.

That’s why knowing how to unclog plumbing and how to prevent it from happening again is of paramount importance – ensuring you’ll act correctly when necessary and avoiding using homemade tips that can further damage the situation.

Not sure how to unclog plumbing?

How to unclog plumbing?

Did you know that there are some homemade techniques that can help you unclog plumbing simply and safely? Check out some that we’ve listed below:

Manual unblock:

The first way to try to unclog the pipes is to use a manual unclog. It is very useful, especially for clogs in the toilet and drains.

The plunger works by creating pressure in the water so that the force pushes the waste and it makes its way through the sewer. bye dirt

To use the plunger, the most important thing is to choose a model of the appropriate size for what you want to unblock. Then, just place the suction cup in the mouth of the pipe or inside the vessel and make movements to try to create pressure in the system.

In the case of the toilet, the tip is to leave the suction cup submerged, to make the procedure even easier.

In addition to the plunger, you can throw some buckets of water into the vase. Just be careful not to overflow.


If you don’t have a plunger at home, you can try using wire. This is an interesting solution for clogging caused by hair or other solid objects, as with the wire you’ll be able to attach and remove these items.

But, of course, the procedure will depend on the depth of the obstruction. Another tip is to avoid wires that are too stiff, as they can crack or puncture the pipes.

Hot water:

This is a homemade method that always appears in the suggestion lists for how to unclog plumbing.

Hot water can dissolve some of the clogging-causing materials, such as grease or soap, but it alone cannot solve the problem completely, especially if the clogging is caused by solid materials.

Furthermore, if the water is too hot, it can cause problems to the pipes, causing damage to the structure and aggravating the situation. For Residential Plumbing Click Here

So, if you are going to use this measure, do it before trying a manual plunger, for example, and avoid extremely hot water.

Another tip is to make some “mixes” with the hot water. For example, to unclog a sink drain, with the sink dry and no water in the drain, you can pour some detergent and, after a few minutes, some hot water into the drain to push out the clog.

Mixing hot water and baking soda can also work. Just pour baking soda into the pipe and then some hot water. Wait for the solution to act for a few minutes, then add more hot water to push out the clog. If you prefer something more potent, replace the hot water with boiling lemon juice.

Caustic soda:

Several tips on how to unclog plumbing cover the use of lye. For many, it is essential when fighting the clogs caused by the accumulation of fat.

However, some professionals do not recommend this method, as the product can saponify inside the pipe, especially when in contact with grease, causing an even worse clogging. In addition, caustic soda needs to be properly disposed of due to its toxicity.

Furthermore, caustic soda is a very dangerous chemical that should not be handled without all possible care. The product is always present in homes, and this causes several accidents: its contact with the skin produces a corrosive effect, which can cause serious damage to health such as burns, blindness, among others.

Therefore, we do not recommend this solution. Yes, look for a suitable professional specialized in the area to help you with this issue. for Hydrulic Tips click here

Other homemade recipes:

For grease blockages, a solution is to mix baking soda with vinegar. Use two scoops of baking soda and pour it into the pipe. Then pour vinegar into the drain and cover with a cloth. Wait 25 minutes and pour in hot water.

If the obstruction needs a push, carefully insert a hose through the pipe and try using water pressure to push the grease: be careful not to damage your plumbing.


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