Best Bet For Pet Odor

Rug Cleaning Is Your Best Bet For Pet Odor & Urine Problems

Best Bet For Pet Odor

Rugs are a source of warmth; they beautify the décor and purify the air in your home/office. With food spills & constant foot-frictions rugs fabric deteriorates gradually & permanently. There are plenty of other things that can ruin your rug and one of them is your furry friend. Just like you find spending time on a rug comforting your pets too find rugs soothing. But their comfort can be a far bigger threat to your rugs than you can imagine. Therefore availing a rug cleaning Brisbane for pet urine is necessary to maintain your rugs in pristine condition. Professionals are experienced in handling such cases; in fact, experts know how to clean pet urine from rugs irrespective of what fabric the rug is. silk, wool, cotton, or jute.

Threats of pet urine:

* Pet urine contains acids that can damage the rug’s fabric by leaving stains & deteriorating the fibers. Moreover, when urine meets bacteria in the rug they create a favorable environment for microbes like dust mites, moths, mold
growth, etc to thrive in the fabric.
* Besides leaving stains what happens after your pet urinates is that it leaves a foul, putrid odor. This odor can cause your pet to return to the same place to urinate again. Hence a professional rug cleaning Brisbane to get rid of pet
stains & odor will be beneficial.
* Pest influx like moths & dust mites can bring in health risks like asthma, skin allergies, emphysema, etc disturbing your healthy household.
* The odor of pet urine and stain can also damage your image as a homemaker on visitors & acquaintances.

Eco-friendly rug cleaning Brisbane

Experts often prefer the hot water extraction technique for pet problems to deep- clean rugs efficiently. Rug Cleaning Brisbane is the only efficient way of getting rid of pet urine stain & odor. They treat the affected space with an eco-friendly solution to gently reverse the damage without spoiling the fabric of the rug. The solution used is non-alkaline so when the urine combines with the surfactants it does not bleach the fabric or ruin the fibers of the rug. Later the rug is steam cleaned to exterminate germs & allergens thriving in the fabric to prevent health risks in the house. The rug is rinsed using clean water & dried properly to check if the stain reappears post drying. Another important aspect of rug cleaning & rug repair is deodorizing the rug to get rid of the putrid urine smell. This helps prevent pests & ensures a pleasant atmosphere in your house.

Scotch-guarding technique

Experts prefer using the scotch-guarding technique post cleaning the rug. This is a method where a solution is sprayed on all sides of the rug to coat the fibers with a protective layer. This layer prevents the rug from absorbing stains, liquid & any else; it causes the fabric to taste bad so pests do not feed on them or even lay their eggs. The scotch-guarding helps to maintain rugs well and prevent damage in the future; it is an anti-stain, anti-pest, and anti-dust formula that can help slow the aging of your treasured rug. therefore rug owners should ask for a scotch-guarding treatment before hiring anyone for rug cleaning Brisbane.

Tips by experts for rug washing & maintenance for pet problems:

· Do not rely on home remedies like vinegar or lemon for pet urine; urine is acidic and so is lemon. They will bleach the fabric permanently and leave blemishes. Moreover, DIYs can cause discoloration and color bleeding to your rugs.
· Do not vacuum rugs when they are spoiled by pet urine vacuuming will only extract the urine from the surface and the rug might look clean but the germs settled deep inside the fabric will be destructive for your rugs’ health at large.
· Try to keep pets away from the rug to avoid such accidents. Since pet paws can also damage the fringe & make holes in the rug damaging it. In such cases, rug owners should seek help from specialists in rug repair services.
· Rugs should be vacuumed regularly without using a beater bar; vacuuming can help keep rugs clean temporarily till rug cleaning Brisbane experts arrive. Vacuuming every alternate day is apt for rugs that face heavy foot traffic every day. Vacuuming also helps extract pet dander/hair that cause triggers allergies in inhabitants.

· Do not place rugs near humid spaces to avoid mold growth on rugs. Similarly, if the rug is spoiled due to moisture make sure you treat them right away to avoid deterioration.

Rugs are extremely delicate and expensive; regardless of how much you love spending time on rugs with your furry friends taking proper care of rugs is pivotal. Pet urine is not a minor concern and should be paid heed to without ado. Don’t despair your rugs if they are ruined by pet urine hire professionals for rug cleaning Brisbane and save your rugs


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