5 Vegetables to Eat In Summer Season and Benefits

Vegetables to eat in Summer

Since summers are characterized by various health issues such as dehydration, vitamin deficiency, and skin allergies, seasonal vegetable’s intake becomes more important.

They keep health-related problems and make your body feel the best in the hot weather. Therefore, you do not need to rely only on refreshing icy drinks! Start the journey of growing your vegetables.

Top Summer Vegetables To Grow In Your Garden This Summer

There are many summer vegetables available which you can easily grow in your kitchen garden. These veggies keep your health and body energetic and strong. So, have a look. 

1. Brinjal

Brinjal is the most popular summer vegetable belonging to the family of Solanaceae. It is also known as nightshades, eggplant, aubergine and are cousins of potatoes, tomatoes and bell peppers. Some varieties of brinjal look like the egg, and that is why it is also called eggplant. It is widely used in sabzi, dal, starters etc. The summer veggie has excellent fibre content and several phytonutrients, and it plays an essential role in antioxidant activity.

It is the best source of minerals and vitamins which keep the heart-healthy. It comes with smooth and tight skin, which feel heavy for their size. While choosing the brinjals, you should avoid mushy spots or wrinkled bits. It comes with an impressive array of vitamins and minerals. This vegetable is available in different colours ranging from purple and black to a near-translucent white.

Benefits of Brinjal 

  • The veggie is better for diabetes. 
  • It is good for weight loss. 
  • brinjal is high in fibre. 
  • It is suitable for blood. 
  • A vegetable has low sodium. 
  • It is high in antioxidants.
  • Brinjal helps with digestion.
  • It is preventing cancer. 
  • The veggie increases brain function. 

2. Cucumber

Cucumber is the second most loved vegetable, which is an essential part of summer meals. In summer, a vegetable keeps our body hydrated in the rough summer season. Cucumber belongs to the Cucurbitaceae gourd family that bears cucumiform fruits, which are used as vegetables. It has a mild and refreshing taste and comes with high water content (96%). They provide relief through dehydration and are healthy to eat in hot weather.

People used cucumber as a savoury food and widely used in salad. It also features some beauty products. Cucumber keeps our skin fresh and very beneficial for the eyes. It improves digestion and effectively flushes out toxins from the digestive system. Cucumber is also the best source of fibre, magnesium, and potassium that regulates blood pressure. The salad veggie dissolves kidney or bladder stones. 

Benefits of Cucumber 

  • Cucumber is the most hydrating food. 
  • It improves bone health. 
  • The veggie protects from cancer. 
  • It controls and prevents diabetes. 
  • Cucumber has the benefits of anti-inflammatory. 
  • It reduces swelling and irritation of the skin. 

3. Bottle Gourd

The bottle is a green veggie which is the third most used summer vegetable in India. The summer vegetable is called by many names such as Lookie, Calabash, white-flowered gourd, long melon, New Guinea bean and Tasmania bean. It belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family. The green vegetable has many benefits which keep our body healthy for a long time. It is loaded with many antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins, making it the most liked vegetable in summer.

Bottle Gourd has a good amount of water which provides a cooling effect on the body. Also, it is beneficial for the heart and helps to reduce sleeping disorders. The summer veggie is available in various shapes such as huge, round, small and bottle shaped, or slim and serpentine. It can also grow to be over a meter long. 

Benefits of Bottle Gourd

  • It reduces stress. 
  • The veggie is beneficial for the heart. 
  • It helps in weight loss. 
  • Bottle Gourd treats sleeping disorders. 
  • It prevents premature greying of hair.
  • Veggie keeps the digestive system good. 
  • It is beneficial for the skin. 

4. White Onions 

White onions have high popularity during the summer season as they are an essential part of summer meals. The summer veggie belongs to the Amaryllidaceae family. These onions have a sharp and spicy taste compared to yellow onions. They are more supple and have thinner, more scaly skin. They are cooked, mixed with raw salsa and chutney, and eat as raw.

White onions are loaded with many nutrients, antioxidants, and fiber, improving body strength and stability. Its regular use keeps the digestive system good and enhances digestive strength. The vegetable has antibacterial properties which protect the body from harmful bacteria. 

Benefits of White Onions

  • It cures bleeding disorders, such as nasal bleeding and bleeding piles.
  • The veggie is suitable for the heart as it keeps the heart healthy for a long time. 
  • It relaxes the mind and helps to stay calm even in the scorching heat.
  • White onions contain cancer-fighting compounds. 
  • It helps to control blood sugar. 
  • The summer veggie is to boost bone density. 

5. Spinach 

Spinach is green vegetables that grow in the summer season, and that is why it counted in the top 5 best summer vegetables. It is one of the superfoods that comes with nutrients in a low-calorie package. The summer vegetables belong to the Amaranthaceae family. Dark, leafy green spinach are essential for skin, hair, and bone health.

The health benefits of eating spinach involve improving blood glucose control in people with diabetes, lowering the risk of cancer, improving bone health, and supplying minerals and vitamins. The spinach has an antioxidant also called as alpha-lipoic acid, which keeps glucose level good. Spinach is also an excellent beta-carotene source, which is shown to reduce the risk of developing asthma.

Benefits of Spinach 

  • It prevents cancer. 
  • Summer veggie protects asthma. 
  • Spinach improves bone health.
  • It provides skincare and good health. 
  • A vegetable promotes digestive regularity. 

These are the top 5 summer vegetables that can quickly grow and keep your health better.


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